House Bill 349 News Brief

September 2023

HB349 News Brief

School District Withdrawal Update

HB349, which allows Bridgewater, Hebron, and Groton (BHG) to withdraw from the existing SAU4 (Newfound Area School District) and establish a Special Purpose School District, was signed into law on August 4, 2023 by Governor Sununu.

Per the legislation (HB349), an initial Steering Committee has been formed consisting of one selectman from each town and an NASD Budget Committee member from each town. This initial group was selected because the first issues we need to address are largely financial. The committee will expand as opinions and expertise are needed. We need input, however first we want to quantify expenses and resources.

As expected, rumors abound about this matter. Much of this information is incorrect; we will be posting accurate and current information through a link on the HB349 Information tab on the Hebron Town website All of the committee meetings are public (also posted on the website).

Our goal is to reconfigure the Bridgewater-Hebron Village School (B-HVS) to a K-8 model. Planning is a process, and we are doing it carefully and thoughtfully, balancing the needs of both our children and residents. There is a temptation to provide quick answers but doing so would be a disservice to our constituents, especially when the issue is as important as our children’s education.

We choose to leave the Newfound Area School District (NASD) because it will enhance the overall education results of the students and provide better choices for their families. This is in the context of proposals in the School Funding Formula Committee sessions which if enacted could double our tax rate in our three towns. We simply asked ourselves, “If we are going to pay more shouldn’t it be directed towards our kids instead of subsidizing other towns?”. Forming a new three-town school district is an alternative path to providing superior education on a cost-effective basis.

The size of NASD is difficult and restrictive, some 240 square miles large. Travel times for students and parents can be easily improved by local schools, demonstrated by our neighbors in the Pemi-Baker School District currently using the K-8 model. SAU4 has active plans to build a new central elementary school (at the far end of Bristol near the Newfound Area High School) given that the Bristol Elementary School has failed safety inspections. That plan may consolidate some or all K-6 education in NASD at a considerable expense with possible impacts on the future of B-HVS.

Hebron has taken a lead position in education for our and NASD’s children and often at our own expense. Bridgewater and Hebron took on the task of building the Bridgewater-Hebron Village School for the District and leased it to NASD for a $1 per year. Additionally, Hebron has historically supported initiatives by NASD such as full-day kindergarten. There are currently two kindergarten and two pre-school classes in B-HVS.

Change is not easy, but it is sometimes necessary. This is one of those times. Making changes will not result in tax saving, in fact it may slightly increase our taxes to make sure we are doing the right thing for the academic future of our kids.

Every taxpayer, parent, and B-HVS staff member deserves a roadmap of what we are trying to accomplish and to do that we are providing an outline of our goals in a series of pledges to our stakeholders:

Our Pledge to Parents: Hebron is committed to offering school choice in the newly formed Bridgewater, Hebron, and Groton Special Purpose School District. To that end, upon withdrawal from the Newfound Area School District in July 2025, it is the intent of the Bridgewater, Hebron and Groton Special Purpose School District to allow all students enrolled in middle and high school in the Newfound Area School District to continue to attend those schools, should their families elect to do such.

The Bridgewater, Hebron, and Groton Steering Committee is hopeful that the Newfound Area School District will not take steps that would be detrimental to a student who is enrolled in their middle or high school at the time of the formation of the new Special Purpose School District. HB349 calls for the new district to work closely with the Newfound Area School District to offer both school choice and to accommodate students enrolled in the Newfound Area School District. We fully intend to enter into an agreement with Newfound Area School District to enable students who are enrolled at the time the new Special Purpose School District is created, to continue at their middle or high school if they so choose. In fact, this is part of affording public school choice. Newfound Area School District also has a duty to act in good faith toward these students, and we see no reason to believe that they will not meet this duty.

We are prepared to enter into a similar agreement regarding those students attending Bridgewater-Hebron Village School at the time of the new Special Purpose School District formation. We are also confident that a “tailing out” agreement is in the best interests of both Newfound Area School District and the Special Purpose District. Absent an agreement, the tuition that could be charged by NASD for our students would be statutorily capped at the previous year’s average per pupil cost.

Pledge to Teachers and Staff: Teachers and Staff will have the exact same benefits they are currently receiving. In accord with HB349 and New Hampshire case law (Appeal of SAU #16 Cooperative School Board, 143 NH 97(1998)), the Special Purpose School District is bound by the terms of the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement for those employed at Bridgewater-Hebron Village School as of July 1, 2025. (If a five-year bargaining agreement is signed by NASD with our teachers, that contract will be honored in full. No questions.)

Pledge for Education Excellence: (No need to get into detail here!) On the Hebron Town website go to the HB349 Information tab. Scroll down to Public Information and click on the SAU4 Schools Report Cards. Kudos to the teachers and staff!!

Careful attention is being paid to curriculum planning, as well as the consideration of the allied arts, sports and extracurricular activities, realizing these are critical components of a modern education.

Pledge to Students from Other Towns: The Special Purpose School District also intends to continue to offer the opportunity for Newfound Area School District students outside of our three towns who are enrolled at B-HVS as of July 2025 to continue to attend that school through the completion of elementary school. The Special Purpose School District is also willing to discuss the continued maintenance of the NASD preschool at its facility. These are decisions for SAU4 and out of our control – we have made the offer.

Each town currently pays Newfound Area School District for payroll services, state reporting requirements and many other services.
Some on the Newfound Area School Board feel that discussing service agreements with us is “…aiding us in leaving the District…” If they elect not to engage with us, they may have to reduce staff or raise taxes to offset the loss of our students. There is substantial opportunity to improve the overall community education and for both sides to agree. We have the unique opportunity to accommodate families with a K-8 model and a middle school model, offering increased choice without changing much more. At this point the onus is on SAU4.

This one matter will define the future of taxation in our Towns. Nothing will be done at the expense of the children nor the professional staff. Any tax increase will be far less than the implications if an SAU4 formula funding change is enacted, which we feel is an imminent threat.

We hope you will vote to form our own school district in March of 2024. This is a one-time only chance to control our own fate, withdraw from NASD, and protect our Bridgewater-Hebron Village School. It is better that our three towns determine our own educational choices and financial future rather than allow the remaining NASD towns to determine our future for us. We ask for your trust and support in this matter. We will have public meetings throughout the three communities posted regularly.

Please keep informed by keeping up with the website and the newsletters. Stay united. As with any change, misunderstandings and rumors abound.
