What happens if I do not pay my taxes?

12% interest accumulates after 30 days of mail date of property tax. 18% interest accumulates after 30 days for timber tax bill, current use change or gravel tax. A tax lien is put on your property in April following the tax year. For example: If you do not pay your 2014 tax bills, an attachment by the Town of Hebron will be placed on the property in April 2015 at Grafton County Registry of Deeds. A tax lien can be executed for each tax year. 18% interest accumulates on all liens for all types of tax bills. If lien is not paid in full within two years after the lien, the tax collector can deed your property to the Town of Hebron. Once the property is deeded, you, as well as anyone holding a mortgage, lose interest in the property. To reclaim that interest (RSA80:89) you or any mortgagee must notify the Town of Hebron within three years after the deeding, pay all back taxes (including those which would have accrued had you continued to own the property), all costs assumed by the Town of Hebron and a penalty of 10% of the equalized assessed value within 30 days of your notice of intent to repurchase. Should the Town of Hebron decide to sell the property within 3 years after the deeding, the Town must notify you via certified mail and allow 30 days for you to decide whether or not you wish to repurchase the property? (RSA80:89) If you do not notify the town of your desire to repurchase or if the town does not sell the property until 3 years has expired, you lose your right to purchase the property.